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ATL Court Filing Instructions

An Application for ATL Court may be filed by counsel in CM/ECF using the instructions provided below.

Only defendants who have had their arraignment/first appearance in this District in 2022 or later are eligible to apply.

Attorneys Only: To e-file an Application for ATL Court:

  1. Complete the Application for ATL Court form here.
  2. Save and flatten the PDF document.
  3. Log in to CM/ECF and select Civil → ATL Court–Application for ATL Court → Next
  4. Select Application for ATL Court → Next
  5. Enter case number 1:YY-ax-77777 (YY = the last two digits of the current year [e.g., for 2024, the case number will be 1:24-ax-77777]) → Next
  6. Attach the Application for ATL Court PDF as the main document → Next
  7. Enter the name of the defendant and original CR case action number → Next
  8. Select Next to submit

The Clerk’s Office will open an individual AX case for each Application. Once the individual case is opened in CM/ECF, defendant’s counsel will receive notification of the individual AX case number and action taken on the application through a Notice of Electronic Filing email. The Application for ATL Court and any subsequent documents filed in individual AX cases will be sealed due to the sensitive nature of the information disclosed within the document.

Participation in the program will be subject to final approval by the judge originally presiding over the defendant’s case. If approved, an Order Approving Participation in ATL Court and Reassigning the Case to the ATL judges will be entered in the original criminal action.

Non-Attorneys Only: An Application for ATL Court may be filed using the appropriate form here by a non-represented defendant by presenting the completed application at the Atlanta Clerk’s Office filing desk or by mail to:

      Clerk’s Office
      United States District Court
      For the Northern District of Georgia
      75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
      Rm. 2211
      Atlanta, GA 30303

The Clerk’s Office will open an individual AX for each Application. Once the individual AX case is opened in CM/ECF, non-represented applicants will receive notifications of the individual AX case number and action taken on the application by U.S. Mail.

For questions on filing procedures, please contact 404-215-1655.