In the event that you need to request a refund of fees paid to the District Court, Northern District of Georgia pursuant to Standing Order 10-02, please follow the following steps:
- Obtain a copy of the form Application For Refund of Fees Paid Electronically Through This form can be found on our website under the Commonly Used Forms section.
- Fill in all applicable blanks. The tracking ID should begin with either 113E or AGANDC and is required for the processing of a refund request.
- Once you have completed the form, save the completed form as a PDF document.
- Electronically file the form using the event Application for Refund of Fees paid online in the case it pertains to. If the refund is for a duplicate payment on a Case Initiating Document entry for a new case, the request should be filed in the new case. You may have to wait 24-48 hours for the case to be opened in CM/ECF before you can docket the refund application. The Application for Refund of Fees paid online event can be found under Civil → Other Documents and under Criminal → Other Documents. During the docket entry, you will attach the completed application in PDF format.
The refund request is usually processed within 24 hours of receipt.