Honorable Leigh Martin May, presiding
Case Summary
This litigation involves allegations that the Paragard intrauterine device(IUD) has a propensity to break upon removal, causing complications and injuries, including surgeries to remove the broken piece of the device, infertility, and pain.
Attorneys admitted to practice and in good standing in any United States District Court are admitted pro hac vice in this litigation. No motion or application for admission is required. Association of local co-counsel is not required. See ECF access instructions HERE.
Contact Information
Plaintiffs' CounselPlaintiff Co-Lead Counsel |
Plaintiff Liaison Counsel |
Erin K. Copeland FIBICH, LEEBRON, COPELAND & BRIGGS 1150 Bissonnet Street Houston, Texas 77005 Telephone:(713) 352-0470 ecopeland@fibichlaw.com |
C. Andrew Childers CHILDERS, SCHLUETER & SMITH, LLC 1932 N. Druid Hills Rd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30319 Tel: (404) 419-9500 Fax: (404) 419-9501 AChilders@cssfirm.com |
Defendants' CounselThe Cooper Defendants’ Co-Lead Counsel |
Defendant Co-Liaison Counsel |
Kasey M. Adams Butler Snow LLP 1020 Highland Colony Parkway Suite 1400 Ridgeland, MS 39158 Telephone: (601) 948-5711 kasey.adams@butlersnow.com |
Lori G. Cohen Greenberg Traurig, LLP Terminus 200 3333 Piedmont Road NE, Suite 2500 Atlanta, GA 30305 Telephone: (678) 553-2385 CohenL@gtlaw.com |
Caroline D. Walker Butler Snow LLP One Federal Place Suite 1000 Birmingham, AL 35203 Telephone: (205) 297-2220 caroline.walker@butlersnow.com |
Allison Ng Greenberg Traurig, LLP Terminus 200 3333 Piedmont Road NE, Suite 2500 Atlanta, GA 30305 Telephone: (678) 553-2129 nga@gtlaw.com |
The Teva Defendants’ Co-Lead Counsel |
Christopher D. Morris |
Pamela L. Ferrell |
Plaintiffs' Executive Committee |
Nicole Berg KELLER LENKNER, LLC 150 N. Riverside Plaza, Suite 4270 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Telephone:(312) 948-8477 ncb@kellerlenkner.com |
C. Andrew Childers |
Fidelma Fitzpatrick MOTLEY RICE 55 Cedar Street, Suite 100 Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Telephone:(401) 457-7700 ffitzpatrick@motleyrice.com |
Robert M. Hammers, Jr. SCHNEIDER HAMMERS, LLC 5555 Glenridge Connector, Suite 975 Atlanta, Georgia 30342 Telephone:(770) 394-0047 rob@schneiderhammers.com |
Timothy W. Porter PORTER & MALOUF, P.A. 825 Ridgewood Road Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157 Telephone:(601) 957-1173 tim@portermalouf.com |
Edward A .Wallace WEXLER WALLACE, LLP 55 W. Monroe Street, Suite 3300 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Telephone:(312) 345-2222 eaw@wexlerwallace.com |
Plaintiffs' Steering Committee |
Danae N. Benton The Cochran Firm – Texas 1825 Market Center Blvd., Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75207 Telephone: (214) 651-4260 Facsimile: (214) 651-4261 dbenton@cochrantexas.com |
Timothy Clark SANDERS PHILLIPS GROSSMAN, LLC 16755 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 200 Irvine, California 92606 Telephone:(516) 741-5600 tclark@thesandersfirm.com |
Christina Feller FERRER POIROT WANSBROUGH 2603 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75219 Telephone: (214) 521-4412 cfeller@lawyerworks.com |
Lee Adair Floyd BREIT BINIAZAN 2100 East Cary Street, Suite 310 Richmond, Virginia 23223 Telephone: (804) 351-9286 lee@bbtrial.com |
Michael A. Galpern JAVERBAUM WURGAFT HICK KAHN WIKSTRON & SINNS, P.C. 1000 Haddonfield-Berlin Road, Suite 203 Voorhees, New Jersey 08043 Telephone:(856) 596-4100 mgalpern@lawjw.com |
Kristen M. Hermiz MOTLEY RICE LLC 28 Bridgeside Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Tel: (843) 216-9000 Fax: (843) 216-9450 khermiz@motleyrice.com |
R. Andrew Jones CORY WATSON, P.C. 2131 Magnolia Avenue S. Birmingham, Alabama 35205 Telephone:(205) 328-2200 ajones@corywatson.com |
Patrick A. Luff FEARS NACHAWATI LAW FIRM 5473 Blair Road Dallas, Texas 75231 Telephone:(214) 890-0711 pluff@fnlawfirm.com |
Buffy K. Martines LAMINACK, PIRTLE & MARTINES, LLP 5020 Montrose Boulevard, 9th Floor Houston, Texas 77006 Telephone:(713) 292-2750 buffym@lpm-triallaw.com |
Justin R. Parafinczuk PARAFINCZUK WOLF 110 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1630 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone:(954) 462-6700 jparafinczuk@pwslawfirm.com |
Hannah Pfeifler Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC 17 East Main Street, Ste. 200 Pensacola, FL 32502 Telephone: (850) 202-1010 Facsimile: (850) 916-7449 hpfeifler@awkolaw.com |
Ruth Rizkalla THE CARLSON LAW FIRM. P.C. 200 Pier Avenue, Suite 126 Hermosa Beach, California 90254 Telephone:(254) 526-5688 rrizkalla@carlsonattorneys.com |
Marcus J. Susan SUSEN LAW GROUP 110 East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1700 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone:(954) 315-3815 marcus@susenlawgroup.com |